Broadway was once a very rich, white, straight world. Despite the many gay men in theater...
Author - Karin
Anti-gay and anti-disabled bigots parked illegally in Petco handicapped space
Today I and my caregiver were verbally assaulted and threatened using homophobic and ableist/anti...
Rain. Falls. Hard. Burns.
I put on a brave face so much. I do things even though it hurts. Often the people closest to me...
Rachel: The Musical at the Fresh Fruit Festival in New York City
Promising young composers’ musical about Rachel Carson reveals her triumphs, struggles, and...
Update on the situation with Crowne Plaza Hotel in Englewood, NJ
It’s been a few days and I wanted to post an update on my ordeal with being denied the roll...
Denied the Wheelchair Accessible Room I Reserved at Crowne Plaza Englewood, New Jersey
[vc_row][vc_column][vc_custom_heading text=”The Crowne Plaza in Englewood, New Jersey...
Saying goodbye to a beloved friend
On July 9, 2015, I said goodbye to my beloved former service dog, the unique and wonderful Arthur...
Home Invasion Robbery Attackers Arrested in String of Burglaries During Funerals
The news is out, and so there is no need to hold back their names anymore. The former caregiver who...
Update: Relief and Joy
I have some good news to share. On May 19, 2015, Jennifer Lynne Martinez, aka Jennifer Alarcon, the...
The Case Against IHSS
Why California’s State home care program should be held liable for crimes committed by its...